Internet marketing research has evolved rapidly since the dawn of the Internet Age. Early users of the Internet believed that their online presence would enable them to communicate more effectively with customers, thus reducing geographic boundaries. Similarly, organizations incorporated the internet distribution channel into their marketing plans to increase organizational performance. This is why the topic of Internet marketing has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. However, the current analysis of the internet marketing literature has some limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct periodic reviews of the research and the technologies involved in the field. The goal is to discover new trends and explore new techniques for internet marketing.
Research in internet marketing has been performed in various journals and formats. The majority of articles on the subject were published in top marketing journals. These journals include the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Marketing Science journal, and the Harvard Business Review. Other marketing journals might also use different keywords to classify Internet marketing. Some marketing journals have not published any article on the subject.
In the last 18 years, there have been over 400 articles on the topic of internet marketing. The articles grouped into six categories. Although the sample was relatively small, the results show that the amount of activity has been increasing over the years. It is important to analyze the current state of Internet marketing research to determine whether it is on the rise or falling. Furthermore, the study provides an opportunity to evaluate how the research reflects the realities of the market.
Researchers analyzed the articles based on the year of publication and the research strategies used. There are two main types of research strategies: exploratory and primary. Exploratory research includes Field Study – Secondary Data, Formal Theory/Literature Review, and Sample Survey. A sample survey research strategy is appropriate for the early stages of research.
As the authors point out, Internet marketing research is still in its exploratory phase. Although it has accumulated a lot of information, it does not explain the fundamental problems of IS research. For this reason, it is crucial to conduct periodic reviews of this literature to identify new trends and develop new techniques for internet marketing.
Internet marketing research is typically conducted through focus groups. Focus groups are effective and cost-effective methods of obtaining insights into product awareness, purchase, and other key factors that influence consumers. They are quick and convenient, and they offer researchers access to a variety of respondents. Online focus groups are also an excellent way to get deep insights about product awareness and product performance.
The authors analyzed the number of articles and the research strategies used to categorize the content. Their results indicate that the Internet marketing research literature is biased towards exploratory strategies, while other strategies are underrepresented. Thus, future studies should employ a wider range of research strategies. If research is to be based on a quantitative approach, it should also include qualitative methods.